In Memory of Adam Haseeb (November 9, 1995 - March 10, 2004)
Cases, information on cases, and saying if a particular case was resolved or not can be mailed to us here.
Case Files, Page Twenty-One
Kimberley Beltran Bedolla was abducted along with her sister Melanie by their non-custodial mother from Morelos, Mexico in 2005.
Melanie Beltran Bedolla was abducted along with her sister Kimberley by their non-custodial mother from Morelos, Mexico in 2005.
Jonas Daikaibush was abducted along with his brother Owen by their non-custodial mother from Michigan in 2011.
Owen Daikaibush was abducted along with his brother Jonas by their non-custodial mother from Michigan in 2011.
Emanuel Ocampo was abducted by his non-custodial mother from California in 2009.
Kashvi Chawda was abducted along with her brother Krish by their non-custodial mother from New Jersey in 2013.
Krish Chawda was abducted along with his sister Kashvi by their non-custodial mother from New Jersey in 2013.
John Earl was abducted by his non-custodial mother from Texas in 2012.
Solenne Grimes was abducted by her non-custodial mother from Hawaii in 2021.
Lorin Lincona was abducted by her non-custodial father from New York in 2019.
Saylor Borbon Thompson was abducted by her non-custodial mother from Hawaii in 2020.
Dusty Murdock was abducted by his non-custodial father from Colorado in 2019.
Domingo Sanchez Gonzalez was abducted along with his brother Esmit by their non-custodial father from North Carolina in 2008.
Esmit Sanchez Gonzalez was abducted along with his brother Domingo by their non-custodial father from North Carolina in 2008.
Aamina Khan was abducted by her non-custodial mother from Greater London, United Kingdom in 2011.
Page Twenty-Two
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