Archived Case Updates
February 11 - Nancy Kao found safe. Lorraine Herbster added to California Kids pages. Updated Adam Haseeb Memorial Pages.
February 5 - Rose and Sophia Ruiz found safe in October 2006. Vanesa and Veronica Scott found safe in 2006. Yamile Aguilar and Viridiana Urias, Kevin Bonilla-Sandoval, and Brianna Bryant added to Adam Haseeb Memorial Pages.
February 2 - Corey Angle found safe in January 2007. Juan and Victor Bobadilla and Amber Carlton added to Adam Haseeb Memorial Pages.
January 28 - Jessica Cox found safe in 2006. Charleen Saunders found deceased in January 2007. Lurline Bergeron added to California Kids pages.
January 23 - Gonzalo Montero found safe in January 2007. Amaan Modan found safe in January 2007. Alexander Chacon and Hiroki Hagisaka added to Adam Haseeb Memorial Pages. Steven Damman added to California Kids pages. Poster of Marc Allen removed as he is now on NCMEC. Updated case file of Angela Ramsey.
January 19 - Laura Barrera-Compton found safe in September 2006. Victoria Owczynsky added to Jahi's Pages. Updated case file of Hanan, Ibsam, and Shima Tarat.
January 9 - Rami Hussein found safe in 2006. Xin Chen added to Adam Haseeb Memorial Pages. Updated case files of Stephen Palacios and Melissa Reiter.
January 3 - Parker Von Weese found safe in December 2006. Jesus Espino-Meza found safe in January 2007. Kayleigh and Michael Chandler added to Adam Haseeb Memorial Pages.
January 2 - Natalie Lusthoff found safe in January 2007. Peter Bonick added to Jahi's Pages. Updated case files of Kevin Anderson and Kayleen and Mirynda Brown.
December 23 - Updated California Kids pages.
December 20 - Ali Bradford found safe in December 2006. Christopher Ducey added to Adam Haseeb Memorial Pages. Updated case files of Sarah Elgohary and Bethanie and Christopher Lane.
December 18 - Kenneth and Natalie Candray found safe in December 2006. Ayanna Lopez and Jobane Castenada-Ortiz added to Adam Haseeb Memorial Pages.
December 14 - Michelle Houchman added to California Kids pages. Poster of Tavia Bailey removed as she is now on NCMEC.
December 8 - Alexandria Suleski added to Jahi's Pages. Updated case file of Dalton Lucas.
December 1 - Updated Adam Haseeb Memorial Pages. Updated case file of Baraah Jridi.
November 30 - Charlleen Saunders and Cynthia Coon added to California Kids pages. Posters of Tammy Akers and Angela Rader removed as they are now on NCMEC. Updated case files of Denise and Hugo Lopez-Valencia and Bianca Lozano.
November 10 - Updated case files of Reuben Blackwell and Ebrahim and Zafar Bozorgi.
November 8 - Updated case files of Amena El-Sayed and David Gosnell.
October 27 - Pablo Casillas, Estevan and Jesus Ponce found safe in October 2006. Amaan Modan and Hazel Bracamontes and Carlos Pacheco added to Adam Haseeb Memorial Pages.
October 23 - Jody Brant, Sarena Glenn and Brent Hughes and Brenttany Hughes and Robby Floyd, Shirley McBride, Jeanna North, and Zachary Rodriguez added to Jahi's Pages.
October 20 - Dominique Gonzales found safe in October 2006. Amena El-Sayed added to Adam Haseeb Memorial Pages.
October 10 - Nicholas Batista found safe in October 2006. Ulisses Mondragon added to Adam Haseeb Memorial Pages. Updated case file of Chayton Hutchins.
October 4 - Updated case file of Cynthia and Jackie Leslie.
September 28 - Shania Supanich found safe in September 2006. Juan Mata found safe in September 2006. Dominique Gonzales added to Adam Haseeb Memorial Pages. Cesar Moragutierrez added to California Kids pages.
September 25 - Updated case files of Chelsea and Zachary Smith and Dalton Lucas.
September 18 - Christopher Gulbraa found safe in August 2006. Ali Bradford added to Adam Haseeb Memorial Pages. Updated case files of Aleida Barragan-Panduro, and Michael Hudson.
September 12 - Joseph Abdulghani found safe in September 2006. Kyle Hermann added to Adam Haseeb Memorial Pages. Updated case file of Joshua Adams.
September 8 - Updated case files of Scott Almaguer, Alexander Martinez, and Bethany Tiner.
September 6 - Updated case files of Jade Abramov, Alexandria Cyprian, and Sylvia Maldonado.
August 31 - Chaderia Mitchell found safe in August 2006. Aleida Barragan-Panduro added to Adam Haseeb Memorial Pages.
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