April 5, 2010
· Filed under Family Abductions, Located safe, Missing People in the News, Opinion
Article here
Phoenix FBI agents along with Mexican authorities have recovered a 10-year-old Phoenix boy after he was apparently missing in Mexico for more than two years, officials said.
In 2007, the boy’s father, J. Arturo Ramirez-Garcia, 37, told the boy’s mother he was taking the child to visit his grandparents for two weeks in Guanajuato, Mexico, according to a statement by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
The father left Phoenix with the child on Aug. 8. When the two had not returned by Sept. 23, the mother called police.
The story doesn’t mention who the child is, but the last name makes it obvious that it is Thomas Ramirez-Garcia. Another article also says the police were reluctant to investigate even after his sister said (a year after he vanished) the father had abused her. If that doesn’t illustrate how family abduction is not taken seriously, I don’t know what does. I am happy Thomas is now at home safe, but like his mother I wish it was far sooner.
April 1, 2010
· Filed under Family Abductions, Located deceased, Missing People in the News, Opinion
Aja Johnson, abducted by her stepfather after the murder of her mother, has been found deceased, along with the stepfather. Another dead child from a family abduction. (Yes, I do consider stepparents who abduct family abduction cases. I might do the same with a long term boyfriend or girlfriend, but I haven’t come across a case like that yet.)
This never gets easier. Never. And I’m not sure if I want it to.
March 26, 2010
· Filed under Family Abductions, Missing People in the News, Opinion
It has been three months since Gabriel Johnson was abducted by his non-custodial mother. His father now has sole custody of him, with his mother having no parental rights at all. But all this is moot as he still has not been found. I have maintained since I first heard a news story on the case that she killed Gabriel and dumped his body somewhere. I hope I am wrong, but I have seen no evidence that indicates that. And I am typically optimistic about missing persons cases and tend to assume the person is alive without evidence otherwise.
The inital case was a typical family abduction case. I got a poster from NCMEC in a couple of days and had no reason to think it was anything more. Even now at its essentials it still is a family abduction case. His mother wanted to spite his father; the only difference is that she went further. If she hadn’t sent the text saying Gabriel was dead there would probably be almost no media coverage of the case, even if she was later found without him. If she had played the case at that point correctly, she could have even attracted supporters.
In three more months Gabriel can be on my site. Or found dead. Which is worse?
March 16, 2010
· Filed under Family Abductions, Missing People in the News, Opinion, Runaways
For what anyone would consider to be a group reasonably beyond reproach, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children receives more than its fair share of criticism. What makes these critiques similar is the use of red herrings to argue it is an organization devoted to profit and that it does not help the issue of missing children. I will address some of these claims here.
The biggest argument used about the NCMEC is that most missing children recovered by them are family abductions and runaway juveniles. This is true, of course. The NCMEC has never tried to deny this and has published several things about the problems of both. Implicit in this criticism is that these are not really significant problems and the only worry is true stranger abductions, which are rare. But it is truly the media who focuses on stranger abductions and makes them seem a disproportionate issue. And both runaways and parentally abducted children are endangered; the streets pose great dangers to a homeless teenager (who are often running from serious problems at home or school) and many parentally abducted children are abused or have even died at the hands of their abductor. The second criticism mentions that they do not respond under the Freedom of Information Act. However, that is for one simple reason: NCMEC is not a government organization. You can no more get documents from them under FOIA then you could about the private company you work for. The third is that NCMEC is a for-profit organization, or has been so in the past. I am uncertain about where this came from as none of it is true – NCMEC is not and has never been a for-profit organization.
I suspect these points will never die out and will be raised forevermore. Many of them I first saw in a misleading article in Fathering Magazine, but I have seen them in news accounts and from parental abductors who wish to whitewash their crimes. While I do not work for NCMEC and never have, I do applaud their work, especially since several other missing childrens’ organizations have been forced to shut down for lack of funds. Even so, when NCMEC does the lion’s share of the work with missing children, people still do not give them much deserved credit.
March 14, 2010
· Filed under Family Abductions, Located safe, Missing People in the News, Opinion
Dalton Lucas and Jessica Click-Hill are both parentally abducted children that were found many years later. Both were abducted by their mothers, both at nearly identical ages (Jessica was eight and Dalton was seven), both who have fathers who were looking for them.
The biggest difference in the cases, however, is that of the outcome. By the outcome I do not mean legally, as in both cases the mothers have been arrested. The outcome in these cases I am referring to is that of the relationship with the left-behind parent. News stories about Dalton’s case say that his father drove straight from Virginia to Texas to retrieve his son, and the comments on the stories indicate that Dalton introduced his friends and others to his dad before going back with him. It will not be easy for him to readjust under any circumstances, but he seems pleased to see his dad again. Jessica, on the other hand, is indicated by news stories to have no wish to have contact with her father. She was abducted for five years more than Dalton, but since four of those years she was over eighteen it’s possible that she did not live with her mother for all of those.
So what accounts for the difference? Perhaps Dalton’s mother did not try to alienate her son from his father, although this is unlikely. Alienation is almost universal in parental kidnapping cases. Richard Warshak, an expert on parental alienation, has stated that some children are just more resilient to alienation. There are documented cases of parentally abducted children where the child later reports attempted alienation but does not succumb to its influence. Dalton’s mother could have used the classic “your father died” excuse which seems to produce less hostility towards the left-behind parent. Even that is not set in stone, of course: in the well known case of Steven Fagan he told his daughters their mother was dead and when he was arrested he admitted to the lie but then claimed she was an alcoholic. The mother had never been arrested or even accused of wrongdoing on the part of the children, but they still refused to see her or try to maintain any sort of relationship. (I mention the last to try to silence the “if the kid refuses to see a father parent they must have a good reason” crowd, but I doubt it will.) It could have something to do with the level of alienation involved – telling the child their other parent is a drug addict or alcoholic is one level, but telling them the other parent is a sadistic phyical and sexual abuser is quite another.
There’s no way to find out directly what is responsible, of course. But perhaps in both cases there is something to be learned about the detrimental effects of parental kidnapping on a child.
February 24, 2010
· Filed under Family Abductions, Missing People in the News, Opinion
There has been quite a lot of articles written about the case of Isabella Miller-Jenkins. The angle the news media keeps playing up is “lesbian child custody debate.” This is literally true in that Isabella has two mothers as parents, Janet Jenkins and Lisa Miller, and that there had been a custody dispute between them. (They were married in a civil union in Vermont and separated several years later.)
However, despite the “novel and unusual” spin the media has put on it, it’s at its heart a typical family abduction case. Miller apparently engaged in a pattern of alienation against Jenkins which ultimately led to Jenkins being awarded custody of Isabella. Miller was supposed to turn her over to Jenkins on January 1, but instead fled with Isabella. There is now a local arrest warrant for her. Jenkins is just another left-behind parent. She has stated she worries about Isabella constantly and wonders if she is safe and well.
As gays and lesbians get much-needed rights in today’s society, they will marry and have families. Inevitably some will divorce, and there will be some custody battles like this one. But it’s not new, not novel, and just another part of the general problem of family abduction.
February 6, 2010
· Filed under Family Abductions, Missing People in the News, Opinion
So says this article. I’m not surprised. At this point all I can hope is that they can find the body and give his father a chance to bury him. Then I can add him to my ever-growing list.
January 28, 2010
· Filed under Adam Haseeb Memorial Pages, Family Abductions, Missing People in the News, Opinion
I have just heard that Manuela Antonelli, non-custodial mother of Liam McCarty, has been arrested in Italy. Liam was apparently not with her at the time.
I hope this is the beginning of the end of both the abduction and the turbulence in Liam’s life. He’s been through enough already.
January 6, 2010
· Filed under Family Abductions, Missing People in the News, Opinion
I’ve been following the story intensely since I saw the news story where his mother claimed she had killed Gabriel. Now she is claiming that she gave him to some strangers in Texas. Her car was found, a bunch of baby items and a car seat still in it. Most importantly, she flat out stated she wasn’t concerned with whether he was dead or alive. At this point I’m convinced he’s dead.
As I said before, I didn’t want to see any stories like this this year. I didn’t even make it until the end of January. I won’t even hope there are no more. I suppose my cynicism is showing.
January 6, 2010
· Filed under Family Abductions, Missing People in the News, Opinion
About Gabriel Johnson, of course. This thread started before his mother was found and the story got lots of attention
Direct quote from the thread.
I’ve never heard of a noncustodial mother who kidnaps her child harming the child.
Well, I guess you have now. *sigh*