California Kids, Page One
Unfortunately, not all missing persons' cases get the same amount of attention. Some get little to none. This is often compounded by the fact the case is old and is stuck on only a missing persons' registry. Most commonly these kids are only on the California Missing Persons Registry, so kids that meet this criteria (here) are called the "California Kids." These pages are for California Kids, not on any major website and much in need of attention. Cases, information on cases, and saying if a particular case was resolved or not can be mailed to us here. Click on an individual's image to get a poster to print out. These kids need it.
Philip Montoya
Martha Lambert (see also her case file)
Felix Fuentes Ventura
Marisol Basilio Ramirez
Richard Griener
Corrine Groenenberg
Antreas Cantrell
Alexander Ferguson
Ramona Beal
Lisa Dickinson
Donna Fowler
Ronald Cole (Note: California Kids are usually only accepted if they are 17 or under. We have made an exception in this case.)
Glenda Tedball
Amy Yachimec
Jonathan Esquivel Negrete
Page Two
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