Above: Ava Bushey in 2023

Above: Ezekiel Bushey in 2023

Above: Justice Bushey in 2023

Above: Perpetua Bushey in 2023
Ava Cristyn Caroline, Ezekiel Stephen, Justice Michael, and Perpetua Joy Bushey
Last seen in Whitewater, Wisconsin on September 5, 2023
Vital statistics: Ava is a white female. She was born on June 6, 2017. Brown hair, brown eyes. She has cerebral palsy, uses a wheelchair, and may be in need of medical attention. Was five at the time. Ezekiel is a black male. He was born on January 8, 2011. Black hair, brown eyes. He wears glasses and may be in need of medical attention. Was twelve at the time. Justice is a black male. He was born on March 1, 2012. Brown hair, brown eyes. He may be in need of medical attention. Was eleven at the time. Perpetua is a biracial (hispanic/white) female. She was born on June 18, 2008. Brown hair, brown eyes. She wears glasses. She has Huntington's disease, a degenerative neurological condition, and may be in need of medical attention. Was fifteen at the time.
Circumstances: They were abducted by their non-custodial parents, Chad Michael and Kim Suzanne Bushey. Photos and vital statistics are posted below. A welfare check was conducted on the above date and the children and their parents were not found. They may be in the southern United States. The children are considered at risk as they are potentially not getting care for their medical conditions.

Above: Chad Bushey in 2023
Vital statistics: White male. Long brown hair, brown eyes. He may have a beard or mustache.

Above: Kim Bushey in 2023
Vital statistics: White female. Blond/brown hair, brown eyes. Her ears are pierced. She may use the last names "Broome," "Raatz," "Urbanek," and/or "Young."
If you have any information as to the Bushey childrens' whereabouts, please contact the Walworth County Sheriff's Office at 262-741-3200. Any information received can be kept confidential.
Information used to compile this casefile came from the following resources:
The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
The Charley Project
Walworth County Sheriff's Office
Bushey Kids Crafts
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