Above: Cecilia Mancebo Rodriguez in 2003
Cecilia Mancebo Rodriguez
Last seen in Delegacion Alvaro Obregon, Distrito Federal, Mexico on February 23, 2003
Vital statistics: Hispanic female. Wavy light brown hair, hazel eyes. Was one at the time.
Circumstances: She was abducted by her non-custodial father, Jose Ramon Mancebo Sela. A photo and vital statistics are posted below.
Above: Jose Mancebo Sela in 2003
Vital statistics: Hispanic male. Brown hair, blue eyes. He is balding and may have a beard or mustache. Was forty-nine at the time.
If you have any information as to Cecilia's whereabouts, please contact the Procuraduria General de la Republica at 01-800-002-5200. Any information received can be kept confidential.
Information used to compile this casefile came from the following resources:
Centro de Apoyo a Personas Extraviadas y Ausentes
The Doe Network
Personas Desaparecidas Y No Localizadas Por Estado
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