Above: Jacob Hoggle in 2014 (left) and an age-progressed image to 12, circa 2024 (right)
Above: Sarah Hoggle in 2014 (left) and an age-progressed image to 13, circa 2024 (right)
Jacob Gabriel and Sarah Grace Hoggle
Last seen in Gaithersburg, Maryland on September 7, 2014
Vital statistics: Jacob is a biracial (black/white) male. He was born on July 3, 2012. Curly blond hair, brown eyes. He usually wears his hair in an afro. Last seen wearing a white t-shirt and blue shorts. Was two at the time. Sarah is a biracial (black/white) female. She was born on November 20, 2010. Shoulder length brown hair, brown eyes. Last seen wearing a pink tank top and blue shorts. Was three at the time.
Circumstances: They were initially abducted by their non-custodial mother, Catherine Ashley Hoggle. A photo is posted below. She has been diagnosed with schizophrenia recently and had had many years of psychiatric symptoms. In late 2013, she was involuntarily committed to a mental hospital. After this she was put on a medication regimen, entered into a day treatment program, and not allowed to be alone with her three children (Sarah, Jacob, and a son who was six years old at the time). On September 7, she took the children to her eldest son's soccer game along with their father, Troy Turner. After he left for work and the game finished, she, the children, and her father, Randy Hoggle, went to a park. Around four in the afternoon, she asked to take Jacob to a pizza parlor she had a coupon for. She returned without him two hours later and said Jacob was at a friend's house for the night. Catherine, Sarah, and Randy went back to their apartment. Turner returned at midnight and noticed Jacob was not in his toddler bed before he went to sleep, but assumed he was in bed with one of his siblings. When he woke up in the morning to take his other son to school, Catherine and Sarah were gone. He called police but Catherine returned soon after and said that Jacob and Sarah were at a day care facility in Germantown. He took his son to school and Catherine to the treatment program, but when he picked her up she claimed to not remember the name of the day care. When Turner said they needed to go to the police, she asked to stop for a drink at a Chick-fil-A restaurant and when they did stop vanished out the back door. She was found by the police four days later, but neither child was with her. She was charged with parental abduction, neglect, and hindering a police investigation. She is currently in a secure mental hospital awaiting a competency hearing.
Above: Catherine Hoggle in 2014
If you have any information as to the Hoggle children's whereabouts, please contact the Montgomery County Police Department at 301-279-8000. Any information received can be kept confidential.
Information used to compile this casefile came from the following resources:
The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
The Charley Project
NamUs National Missing Persons Data System
The Washington Post
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