Above: Jose Ronquillo Torres in 2016
Above: Patricio Ronquillo Torres in 2016
Jose Alejandro and Patricio Ronquillo Torres
Last seen in Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes, Mexico on June 9, 2016
Vital statistics: Jose is a hispanic male. He was born on June 27, 2003. Straight light brown hair, light green eyes. He has light eyebrows. Was twelve at the time. Patricio is a hispanic male. He was born on June 30, 2009. Straight light brown hair, light brown eyes. He has a birthmark in the middle of his back. Was six at the time.
Circumstances: They were abducted by their non-custodial father, Jose Alejandro Ronquillo Ballesteros. Photos and vital statistics for him are not available.
If you have any information as to the Ronquillo Torres childrens' whereabouts, please contact the Procuraduria General de la Republica at 01-800-002-5200. Any information received can be kept confidential.
Information used to compile this casefile came from the following resources:
Alerto Amber Mexico
Alerta Amber Nuevo Leon
Uno TV Noticias
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