Above: James Swaim in 2008
James Seiya Swaim
Last seen in Clayton, Ohio on July 7, 2008
Vital statistics: Biracial (asian/white) male. He was born on December 5, 2004. Black hair, brown eyes. He has autism and may be in need of medical attention. Was three at the time.
Circumstances: He was abducted along with his brother William by their non-custodial mother, Miyuki Swaim. A photo and vital statistics are posted below. At the time she was still married to their father, Kent Swaim, who she met in Japan in 1999. He says she had experienced bouts of depression and had attended anger management classes, but usually dropped out after one session. When the family lived in England, in 2003, she was recorded and substaniated to have abused Wlliam by kicking him in the chest. On the above date she asked to borrow the family car for an outing and never returned. When Kent Swiam returned home he found most of their belongings gone, including the cats. She claimed he had verbally abused her; this came about three days after the abduction and was investigated but never founded. They are believed to be in Okinawa, Japan. William returned to the United States in 2013; his brother remains missing. Swaim has occasional contact with James through Skype but no other form of contact with them.
Above: Miyuki Swaim in 2008
Vital statistics: Asian (Japanese) female. Born on December 5, 1966. Black hair, brown eyes. She may wear glasses. She speaks English and Japanese. She may go by her maiden name, "Miyazato." Was forty-two at the time.
If you have any information as to the Swamim childrens' whereabouts, please contact the Montgomery County Sheriff's Office at 937-225-4357. Any information recieved can be kept confidential.
Information used to compile this casefile came from the following resources:
The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
The Charley Project
NamUs National Missing Persons Data System
Ohio Missing Children
Dayton Daily News
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